Switchable privacy film Image

Switchable privacy film

Switchable Privacy Film is an innovative window film technology that can upgrade virtually any interior. The design is such that it can be applied to any glass and the maintenance is hassle-free. This makes for new levels of efficiency in existing spaces.

In corporate settings, this film can contribute to the aesthetic of the interiors by switching from transparent to opaque and frosted, just with a click of a button! That's not all, when the film is turned opaque, it can also be used as a whiteboard surface which can be used to write on, without any damage to the film or the glass. This ability enables retailers to transform conventional windows into a display of advertisement whilst enhancing customer experience with an oomph..

The pros of Switchable Privacy Film are as follows:

  • The use of open-concept space can be enjoyed as per your wish.
  • Access to a whiteboard surface with the click of a button.
  • Add to the aesthetic by turning on the film at any given time and impress passers-by.
  • The ability to connect to smart apps.
  • It is scratch resistant.
  • It consumes low-energy thereby saving up on electricity bills.


Easy operation icon

Easy operation

Can be operated very easily.

Dynamic Privacy icon

Dynamic Privacy

Fully integrated solution for dynamic privacy.

Retrofitting icon


Ability to retrofit on any existing interior glass.

Click of a Button icon

Click of a Button

Excellent transparency and clarity when ‘on’, discreet privacy achieved when ‘off’.

No Transition Time icon

No Transition Time

Virtually instant on-off switching.

Replacing icon


Easy replacement when required.

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