Sun control film Image

Sun control film

Sun Control Film is a type of window treatment that is applied to glass surfaces to lessen the amount of heat that can be transmitted through the glass to the interior. What makes it different from curtains or binds is the fact that these films allow the sunlight to shine through and they do not require manual labour. It increases the reflectivity of light and decreases heat and glare, whilst blocking cancer-causing UV rays.
Our films offer safety and security, making the glass in your interior spaces less prone to accidents.

Reject Solar Heat icon

Reject Solar Heat

Designed to reject solar heat that is produced from visible light, while providing significant glare relief.

Blocks UV Rays icon

Blocks UV Rays

Significantly blocks the amount of harmful UV rays that cause fading, helping to extend the life of your furnishings.

Reduce Glare icon

Reduce Glare

Helps reduce glare and eye discomfort.

Attractive Looks icon

Attractive Looks

Soft hues give this film an attractive look, making it ideal for both residential and commercial settings

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